Machine Learning – Powered by Preeminence

Photograph by Kiko Ricote
Dear Alumni, Colleagues, and Friends of the Miller School Family,
It is an exhilarating time to be part of the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine. Plans are underway for the construction of a transformational cancer research building and an iconic edifice that will be the principal convening center on the medical campus and the home of the Miller Center for Health Professions Education and Innovation. We remain the No. 1 NIH-funded medical school in Florida. Our preeminent researchers and clinicians are using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to process data faster and more efficiently to evaluate patients and reach a diagnosis. By harnessing the power of AI, we are better positioned to evaluate and serve our diverse populations, reduce inequities, improve the patient experience and health outcomes. Our cover story in this issue of the Magazine, “Reality Check,” illustrates how effective implementation of AI capabilities can help address some of health care’s greatest needs.
However, AI/machine learning will never replace the essential human connection in medicine as illustrated by “Survivors in the Spotlight,” which discusses survivorship programs — ranging from exercise to art, to massage and music — that our therapists at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center offer to patients at every stage of their cancer treatment. Similarly, “Guiding the Way” describes an exceptional medical education program in which small groups of students and faculty are paired and meet regularly during their entire medical school journey, establishing a network of support and creating lifelong bonds.
At the Miller School we value the importance of discovery and innovation while creating a culture that fosters teamwork, human connection, and collaboration. The forthcoming enhancements to our medical campus through the transformational cancer research building and the Miller Center for Health Professions Education and Innovation will further support and institutionalize these core values as our leading scientists, clinicians, and students strive to improve the health of humanity and help usher the Miller School into the pantheon of great research-focused medical schools.

Henri R. Ford, M.D., M.H.A.
University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine
Articles From the Spring 2023 Issue