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As its 104th president, Dean Ford represents the ACS around the globe

Dean and Chief Academic Officer Henri R. Ford, M.D., M.H.A.


hen Miller School Dean and Chief Academic Officer Henri R. Ford, M.D., M.H.A., became president of the American College of Surgeons last fall, he described it as “a tremendous privilege.” He represents the ACS at international meetings and conferences, contributing to advocacy efforts, partnering with other chapters and representing the interests of surgeons at the state/province and local levels.

That means Dean Ford is spending a lot of his one-year term in the air as he works to maintain a cohesive and influential voice for the organization nationally and internationally. To date, his travels have taken him to the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Sierra Leone, Japan and Germany. He will attend multiple events in the Caribbean — Trinidad, Barbados, Jamaica, Antigua and the Bahamas — in July, Brazil in August and Canada in September.

“The ACS has a rich history of inspiring quality and guiding generations of surgeons, I am honored to step into this role and continue our essential work.”

With 87,000 members worldwide, the ACS is dedicated to improved care of surgical patients and safeguarding standards of care. Dean Ford has been an ACS Fellow since 1996 and actively involved in its activities. “The ACS has a rich history of inspiring quality and guiding generations of surgeons,” he said. “I am honored to step into this role and continue our essential work.”